【慰安婦】朝日新聞記者が池上彰氏の連載中止申し入れに自社批判 「はらわたが煮えくりかえる思い」
1 名前:動物園φ ★@\(^o^)/:2014/09/03(水) 15:05:57.02 ID:???.net
トピックニュース 2014年09月03日11時40分
池上彰氏が連載している「新聞ななめ読み」の原稿に、慰安婦問題について「朝日は謝罪すべきだ」と記述があったことから、朝日新聞は原稿の掲載を拒否。池上氏は自ら連載中止を 申し入れたのだという。
武田 肇 / Hajimu Takeda @hajimaru2
私は組織に忠実な企業内記者の一人ですが、夕方、このニュースを聞いて、はらわたが煮えくりかえる思いでした。極めて残念です(査定に響きませんように…) /池上彰氏が原稿掲載拒否で朝日新聞の連載中止を申し入れ(週刊文春) - Y!ニュース http://zasshi.news.yahoo.co.jp/article?a=20140902-00004316-sbunshun-soci …
2014年9月3日 00:08
中島章智 @Cap_Herlock
@hajimaru2 はらわたが煮えくりかえる思いは、朝日新聞に対してですか、
武田 肇 / Hajimu Takeda @hajimaru2
@Cap_Herlock 今回の自社の姿勢に対してです…
2014年9月3日 08:48
8 名前:動物園φ ★@\(^o^)/:2014/09/03(水) 15:07:39.30 ID:???.net
武田 肇 / Hajimu Takedaさんがリツイート
赤い豚 @cochonrouge 6 時間
池上彰が降りたらしいけど、今の朝日に対する謝罪要求って「慰安婦強制連行の捏造を詫びよ」みたいな話ばかりで(右翼のいう狭義の強制連行は、裁判でも確定してるものがある)、謝罪のしようがない。 今や日本の右翼は、かつてのソ連だののように、嘘の自白で自己批判せよと言うまでに堕落したわけだ
「首脳会談を除いてはどんな対話も行う」 政府の対日外交に方向転換を示唆
AUGUST 27, 2014 03:14
人身売買禁止が国際法で規定されていないと主張するのは日本しかない。日本政府が今年7月、国連市民・政治権利委員会で日本軍慰安婦は性奴隷ではないと話 したことは問題だ。性奴隷ではないというのは‘慰安婦=売春婦’ということだ。これは慰安婦被害者を二度侮辱することで、新しい加害だ。
【慰安婦問題】 国連に「慰安婦=性奴隷」と訴えた戸塚悦朗弁護士インタビュー「慰安婦問題は解決していない」
- 日本の国際人権法権威者、戸塚悦朗弁護士は1992年2月、国連人権委員会で‘日本軍慰安は性奴隷’と初めて慰安婦問題を国連に提起した人物として有名だ。彼は今月20日、世界日報と のインタビューでも「日本軍慰安婦は強制でなければなされず、意志に反したもの」とし、「性奴隷が明らかだ」と再確認した。また、慰安婦問題は日本国内でも犯罪行為として糾弾され、1965年の韓日請求権協定で解決されていないという点も明らかにした。
「初めから慰安婦問題のために国連で活動したのではなかった。精神障害者の人権問題解決のために裁判で敗れた場合、国連規約人権委員会に通知できる‘個人通知権’制度を導入するよう日本政府に要求したが拒否された。個人通知権が導入されなければ被害者代理の弁護士が国際社会に訴えるほかなく、かえって負担が大きくなるといったが、政府はそれでもダメといった。やむを得ず、毎年、国連に行って日本の人権問題を提起せざる得なかった。そうするうちに在日 朝鮮人と韓国女性たちが助けてくれと言うので、慰安婦問題に介入することになった。」
「日本軍関与資料と被害者証言集を見て判断した。国連では国際法違反問題を提起しなければ発言や呼び掛けにならない。国際人権条約がなかった第二次世界大戦以前の国際法で最も重視された人身売買禁止を適用した。また‘私が女性なら日本が戦争に勝てばと思って(慰安婦を)絶対しはしないだろう’と考えた。それは強制にならざるを得ず意思に反するものと考えた。そうなると誰でも奴隷と考えるわけで、性問題なので‘性奴隷(sex slavery)’と命名した。‘自分の意志で兵士を慰安する’慰安婦という言葉はお笑いだ。」
ソース:世界日報(韓国語) [インタビュー]「国際法上人身売買禁止違反…‘慰安婦=性奴隷’明らかに」
Look squarely at essence of 'comfort women' issue
Executive Editor
Japan-South Korea relations have cooled in a manner unseen in the past. One reason for the increasingly troubled relations is the large gap that exists between the two nations over the "comfort women" issue.
The issue first came under the spotlight in the early 1990s. After a former comfort woman came forward to tell her story, debate and research on the topic progressed.
What was gradually brought to light were the conditions that led to women having their dignity and honor severely compromised during a time of war at comfort stations created in various parts of Asia, through the involvement of the military.
Now, after about 20 years, a move to review the Kono statement, which acknowledged Japanese military involvement and offered an apology, has provoked opposition from within South Korea.
South Korea has also maintained a rigid position, refusing to accept the feelings of apology and remorse expressed by the Japanese government.
With the comfort women issue becoming a political problem, the Abe administration conducted a study into the process behind the compilation of the Kono statement and released a report about that study in June.
Groundless criticism has arisen among some commentators as well as on certain Internet sites saying, "The comfort women issue is a fabrication of The Asahi Shimbun."
Moreover, a former Asahi reporter who wrote articles about former comfort women has been maligned by name. That has led to inquiries from our readers asking, "Are those allegations true?" and "Why don't you respond?"
We have put together special pages reflecting on our coverage of the comfort women issue because we believe that fulfilling our responsibility to our readers to explain ourselves will provide the first step toward the start of new discussions that are oriented to the future.
Although we ran special coverage on the comfort women issue in March 1997, we have once again gone over the points of contention while also relying on subsequent research.
In the early 1990s when the comfort women issue first came under the spotlight, research on the issue was not at an advanced stage. We continued to write articles based on the testimony given by former comfort women as well as the few documents that were available.
We have now learned that there were factual errors in some of those articles. While those errors occurred at a stage when the overall picture of the issue was not yet clear, we do reflect on the fact that there was insufficient information gathering to support those articles.
Similar errors also emerged at that time in articles carried by other Japanese media outlets as well as in articles by the South Korean media.
It has been pointed out that some of that inaccurate reporting has led to confusion in the understanding about the comfort women issue.
However, we absolutely cannot agree with the use of that as a reason for espousing "the comfort women issue was a fabrication" and arguing "there is no need to apologize to the former comfort women."
The reason we cannot agree is because some of the arguments being made to protect the honor of one's own nation by degrading the victims as "prostitutes" only incite nationalism in both Japan and South Korea and create factors to complicate the issue.
We are concerned about the spread of inward-looking discourse that avoids looking at the unpleasant past and incites emotional confrontation.
There is no way to erase the fact that during the war there were women who were forced to serve as sexual partners for Japanese military personnel.
The essence of the issue is that comfort women had their freedom taken away and their dignity as women trampled upon.
In the 1990s, during the fighting in Bosnia, the attention of the international community was concentrated on rapes by militia members. How a nation views sexual violence toward women during times of war is now viewed internationally as a human rights issue concerning women. The comfort women issue is also connected to such contemporary themes.
When the Asian Women's Fund, created through a combined effort of the public and private sectors, gave atonement money to the former comfort women, it also included a letter from the prime minister of the time that had the following wording:
"(Japan) should face up squarely to its past history and accurately convey it to future generations. Furthermore, Japan also should take an active part in dealing with violence and other forms of injustice to the honor and dignity of women."
The letter contains the resolve of political leaders to proceed along a path of reconciliation by overcoming confrontations revolving around historical recognition.
Next year will mark 70 years after the end of World War II and 50 years after the normalization of relations between Japan and South Korea. However, the national security environment in East Asia is increasingly unstable.
The comfort women issue is one topic that cannot be avoided in the building of a future-oriented and stable relationship with our neighbor.
We will continue to report on this issue without changing our basic stance.
In this special coverage, we will analyze what the comfort women issue is all about and respond to the questions that our readers have about our reporting in the 1990s. We will also take a look back at the wavering Japan-South Korea relationship over the past 25 years because of this issue and also have experts present their views on the comfort women issue.