3DCG徒然の記/My 3DCG Works


【のっソロ The Division】 PTS、MassiveはMassiveのまま













PTS Known Issues (Last Update - 10/03)
We will do our best to resolve every issue possible, but can't guarantee all of them will be addressed. We will prioritize them and share visibility on this process with you.

  1. Gear Set Descriptions
  2. Spelling Error in the Recovery link description "leathal"
  3. Translation errors
  4. 4 Piece Final Measure not defusing APC mortar shells in Falcon Lost.
  5. Named NPC's turrets counting toward named NPC kills
  6. Bullet King "farming". NPCs in the Open World should not longer respawn when you go to a safe house.
  7. Dark Zone Supply Drop displayed timer
  8. Booster Shot talent not providing damage resilience buff
  9. All First Aid modifications reviving downed players
  10. Recovery Link heal not applying if you are aiming with a skill
  11. Recovery Link not correctly reviving you
  12. Support Station not reviving you if the person who used the Support Station is also downed
  13. Mobile Cover Countermeasures not hiding you from Pulse
  14. All 3 Stats on weapon modifications aren't properly displayed in the UI
  15. Settings reset every time the game is launched
  16. World Tiers Tutorial popping up every time you enter The Terminal
  17. Valkyria Blueprint not showing up at the vendor
  18. PEQ-15 Laser - Orange only rolling minor stats
  19. Appearance menu not showing items when you scroll all the way down
  20. Not able to scroll down the extracted items list with a mouse
****Please note that some of these changes may not be present on the PTS.****

  1. First Aid falling through the ground when using it while rolling or aiming
  2. General Assembly dropping 4 High Ends. Please note that we are still investigating what rewards we would like to give.
  3. Critical Save Talent not working/displaying buff icon
  4. Game crashes when an explosion occurs in Falcon Lost
  5. Using First Aid while reloading can sometimes lead to an infinite reloading loop.
  6. Subtitles are always on despite turning them off in the options
  7. NPC grenade animation doesn't occur until a grenade explodes
  8. Invisible Cleaners in Dark Zone 1 extraction point
  9. Steady hands does not refresh when you enter cover
  10. Not able to interact with objects in the Underground Operation Center
  11. Pulse Activation Delay
  12. Not being able to use any weapons besides your secondary or skills after Ballistic Shield is put away
  13. Missing Footstep sounds
  14. Dark Zone extraction bag not showing sealed Caches
  15. Missions on the map showing recommended levels higher than 30
  16. Dark Zone transfer message while you aren't in the Dark Zone
  17. Getting stuck on ladders
  18. Gear graphical bug
  19. Backpack Capacity issue
  20. Smart Cover destroyed by enemy grenades while protected by cover
  21. All game sounds are sped up
  22. Recovery Link does not revive you if you have a status effect on you
  23. Invisible Enemy Turrets
  24. LMG animation breaks when shooting from cover
  25. Vigorous talent does not apply to Support Station
  26. NPC's shooting through the wall in the food area in Madison Field Hospital
  27. Able to go through a wall near Hudson Yards
  28. Skills are not working/grayed out
  29. Reclaimer Support Station bonus not applying healing speed bonus
  30. Enemies spawn after objective to Eliminate Hostiles is complete
  31. Not able to use a Skill before your deployed skill finishes deploying (e.g. until the Turret lands on the ground and becomes active)
  32. One is None jamming your gun
  33. Unable to remove Gear or Weapon mods sometimes
  34. Veteran enemies become normal enemies in DZ 205+ after leaving a check point
  35. Strange Icon appears on a weapon mod after opening a sealed cache
  36. Final Measure defuses friendly grenades
  37. Daily/weekly assignments providing the wrong Gear Score reward
  38. Xbox One controller not recognized
  39. Not possible to leave the HVT mission selection screen when you try to start a mission with insufficient Intel
  40. Being revived by your own First Aid when downed
  41. In combat notification when leaving the Dark Zone
  42. Inventory sorting filters reset to default when relogging.
  43. Empty friend suggestion list
  44. Cleaners are able to shoot through train walls in Underground
  45. Missions not starting, switching World Tiers solved the issue
  46. Sidestepping in cover causes enemies to not shoot at you
  47. Dark Zone level up animation stays for too long
  48. Reload speed display goes negative when equipping a different extended magazine
  49. Enemies will not shoot you if you sidestep in cover
  50. Match making inside a DZ entrance causes Delta Error
  51. Looping audio when the helicopter explodes at the end of General Assembly
  52. Arms Deal mission does not start if you kill the enemies with a Turret Only
  53. Invisible walls in the Underground
  54. Underground Vendors display an Underground rank requirement when buying back an item
  55. Gray background on the menu bug
  56. Unable to pick up Supply Box during side missions after putting it down
  57. Directional Audio issues
  58. HVT not starting
  59. Sticky Bomb damage delay
  60. Recovery Link revive does not work with 2 piece Nomad
  61. Cutting the rope attached loot instead
  62. LMB medic is able to jump through a wall during an Undergorund mission
  63. Immunizer effect is still being applied to the player, even though the station has been destroyed.
  64. Alarm box respawned during Underground mission with full health, after it has been destroyed.
  65. It's not possible to take cover in General Assembly near Domino boss.
  66. Mines dropped by a sniper will stay active upon the death of the sniper and cannot be destroyed or explode.
  67. Nimble talent not always working, re-equip needed
  68. Crash to desktop (CTD) during loading screen
  69. Texture floating in the air near the Q building
  70. Toughness disappearing when changing tiers
  71. White background in character selection when "Neutral Lighting" is set to "Yes"
  72. Mission objective stuck to "Investigate the police acedmy" during Police Academy mission
  73. Players stuck in Hard Underground mission after failing it
  74. All other applications are muted when the PTS has been launched
  75. New items count is not always correct and seems to be inconsistent between menues
  76. Unable to jump through a window on 9th Avenue and stuck to a wall on the 2nd floor in a server room
  77. Deaf effect is applied to a player during the entire Underground mission
  78. Loss of audio (climbing) during Hudsson Refugeee Camp
  79. Dialogue repeats several times in Russian consulate mission
  80. Gear Stats overlapping still present
  81. NPCs disappeared after returning to a previous room during Underground mission
  82. Elevator door does not open in the Underground
  83. Elevator does not work when trying to go to the Underground
  84. "Underground DLC required" notification appears when going to the Underground
  85. Rebind of "F" key resets to default after the Underground train sequence has finished
  86. Not all Weapon skins stored in the stash have been transferred to the PTS
  87. UI issues when opening the stash and moving items to the inventory.
  88. Floating weapons issue
  89. Weapon talent not unlocked even though the requirements are fulfilled
  90. The health of the APC in Falcon Lost completely regenerates after being destroyed
  91. Smart cover instantly available after being destroyed and non-EMP grenades can destroy it
  92. Inventory is sometimes not accessible during Underground missions
  93. NPC animation during cover is repeating over and over again
  94. Shared mods cannot be used as long as sharable timer is active.
  95. Wrong value is displayed when trying to recalibrate.
  96. Revive via button press is sometimes not possible in UG
  97. Armor Damage mitigation capped at 60% not 70%
  98. HVT missions not displayed on HUD, when changing the world tier
  99. Field proficiency caches always give 229 items
  100. All world tiers are accessible in the Underground, even though requirements are not met
  101. UI remains blank when opening the Stash
  102. Alphabridge bonus remains active, even when it has been replaced with another gear set item
  103. Legacy SMG's still have the 25% crit hit chance, instead of damage.
  104. BLIND gear sets still available
  105. 4 set piece bonus of striker is not activating
  106. UI is very slow when changing weapons
  107. Re calibration menu does not open instantly
  108. The UI disappears and does not respond after re-calibrating certain Gear sets
  109. Inventory UI disappears when AlphaBridge gear is equipped
  110. An unusual high requirement is getting displayed after converting multiple materials.
  111. "Out of playable area" when going in cover at certain walls in Underground missions
  112. Typos in 3 piece talent of Nomad description
  113. Belzer (Named PvE enemy) is not spawning, re spawning after 24 hours
  114. Level 30 and Level 31 mod stats are overlapping
  115. Gate in Hudson Refugee Camp doesn't open under certain circumstances
  116. Gear sets missing after transfer to the PTS
  117. Performance mods cannot be applied to gear sets transferred from the live environment to the PTS
  118. Wrong Underground rank or XP is displayed on terminal display
  119. Robust is still capped to 60% and not 70%
  120. Blind weapon skins and outfit disappeared
  121. Inventive bonus randomly stops working
  122. Next Critical Search & Destroy (S&D) safehouse is not showing after the previous one has been completed
  123. Alarms in Underground cannot always be triggered by NPC's
  124. Piano in Lexington Event centre has no bullet collision, resulting in players being able to shoot through it
  125. Entering Phase 2 in Underground might cause a teleport back to the Terminal.
  126. Adept talent not working with Smart Cover
  127. Enemy group gathered together and one point in Lexington Event Centre
  128. Invisible walls in Grand Central station mission
  129. Interaction with objects, going into cover, existing the UG is not always possible
  130. Framerate limit option causing stuttering
  131. Banshee Gear Set translations missing

2 件のコメント:

  1. オワコ~ンww


    1. アップデート1.4を否定はしないのですが、Massiveは貴重なチャンスを逃したようです。ポテンシャルを全く生かしきれないという残念な状況をリリース直後に引き続いて再び見るのは辛いです。ルートゲームにも徹しないでは、ホント、プレイの目標は失われています。もはや有様が不明です。


